Your family's guide to being smart, safe, healthy, and prepared for any Rhode Island or national emergency including covid, flu, fire, hurricane, and more!

Rhode Island Agencies & State Resources
There are dozens of agencies and organizations, as well as our RI State leaders, who continue to be committed to providing ongoing public information, guidance, support, and help. Currently, the focus is on the Coronavirus Pandemic, clearly affecting us all. However, and there are other situations that we need to be prepared for beyond COVID-19 such as natural disasters (like hurricanes, floods, and wild fires), other health crises (like ZIKA, HIV, Lyme, and EEE - which are often present mosquito-borne and tick borne illnesses), and, of course, those unexpected life challenges (loss of a job, sudden illness, financial struggles, etc). If and when life throws us a curveball ... information, guidance, support, and help is available. Please, if you find yourself in need, reach out for help.
You are not alone.
"You can't always get
what you want.
But if you try sometime,
you'll find,
you get what you need."
~the Rolling Stones

We are ALL in this together.

Click on the color below that corresponds to your hometown in the map to access the agency that services your area
For more information on Family Care Community Partner (FCCP) Agencies, click HERE!

Our State Representatives
Below are links to our elected State representatives. It is important that they hear and understand YOUR story. What are your needs and which needs are not being met? Reaching out to our State leaders is one way to help advocate for change.
Rhode Island Governor’s Office
Rhode Island’s Congressional Delegates
Rhode Island General Assembly
Use the Secretary of State’s Voter Information Center
to find your members of the General Assembly.

ARTICLE: Individualized Family Support is Key
RI State Agencies
RI Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF)
“The mission of the Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth & Families (DCYF) is to partner with families and communities to raise safe and healthy children and youth in a caring environment.”
DCYF has a single, statewide toll-free Hotline operates twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week.
This Hotline is dedicated to the receipt of reports concerning abuse and neglect. The number is 1-800-RI-CHILD (1-800-742-4453). All calls are recorded. You may call anonymously.
RI Department of Education
Coronavirus info CLICK HERE!.
RI Department of Environmental Services (DEM)
Covid-19 updates regarding parks, beaches, and more CLICK HERE!
RI Department of Human Services (DHS)
Programs include SNAP, RI Works (Temporary Cash Assistance), CCAP (Child Care Assistance), LTSS (Long Term Services & Support, GPA (General Public Assistance), and Energy Assistance Programs.
RI Department of Health (DOH)
The latest guidance and alerts and guidance regarding re-opening RI economy, travel, social gatherings, the latest regulations (including use of face coverings), and State data regarding COVID-19.
Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Phone: 401-222-8022
Saturday, Sunday, and after hours: Call 211
RI Emergency Management Agency (RIEMA)
(401) 946-9996
645 New London Ave, Cranston, RI 02920
"The mission of the Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency is to reduce the loss of life and property for the whole community while ensuring that as a state we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all natural, human-caused, and technological hazards."
RI Department of Elderly Affairs
Call 401-462-4444 or 2-1-1 anytime or visit one of our six Point offices throughout RI
Are you age 55 or older, an adult living with a disability, or a caregiver? Do you have a question about opportunities available to you? Call or visit the Point to talk with a specialist today and get connected to resources in your area – for free. Explore options for healthcare, employment, and more; get help with applying to public and private programs.
RI Office of Healthy Aging - Access The Point
Call 401-462-4444 or 2-1-1 anytime
RI Office of Veterans Affairs
560 Jefferson Boulevard,Warwick RI 02886
In an emergency, call 911. Be sure to let the operator know if you suspect that you have Covid-19. If you think you have been exposed to COVID‑19 and develop a fever and symptoms, such as cough or difficulty breathing, call your healthcare provider or the Rhode Island Department of Health’s screening line at 401-222-8022 for medical advice.
~Butler Hospital
345 Blackstone Blvd, Providence, RI
Psychiatric and substance abuse hospital for children, adolescents, adults, and seniors. Butler Hospital Behavioral Health Service Call Center, available 24/7 at 1-844-401-0111
~Kent Hospital
455 Toll Gate Rd., Warwick, RI 02886
Visit talksyourhealth.com for up to date health and wellness tips from medical professionals throughout Care New England.
~Women & Infants Hospital
101 Dudley Street, Providence, RI 02903
Kids and COVID: Information for Parents and Educators
Lifespan physicians and behavioral health clinicians are working hand-in-hand to provide parents, caregivers and educators resources to help families and children navigate these uncertain times.
~Emma Pendleton Bradley Hospital
1011 Veterans Memorial Pkwy, Riverside, RI 02915
Videos to help parents teach their children about the Coronavirus:
~Newport Hospital
20 Powel Avenue, Newport, RI 02840
~Rhode Island Hospital
593 Eddy Street, Providence, RI 02903
-Hasbro Children's Hospital
593 Eddy Street, Providence, RI 02903
~Miriam Hospital
164 Summit Avenue, Providence, RI 02906
~Our Lady of Fatima Hospital
200 High Service Ave., North Providence, RI 02904
~Roger Williams Medical Center
825 Chalkstone Ave, Providence, RI 02908
~St. Joseph's Hospital
21 Peace Street, Providence, RI
Providence VA Medical Center
830 Chalkstone Avenue
Providence, RI 02908
401-273-7100 | 866-363-4486
South County Hospital
100 Kenyon Ave., Wakefield, RI 02879
Thundermist Health Care
Thundermist Health Center is hosting a drive-thru and walk-up test site at 450 Clinton St. in Woonsocket. Call 401-767-4100 for more information and to make an appointment for testing. People do not need to be a patient of Thundermist Health Center to be eligible for testing; however, they must have an appointment. Bilingual English-Spanish interpretation services are available.
Westerly Hospital
25 Wells Street, Westerly, RI 02891

Coronavirus Coloring Book
Rizzo the Raccoon to the Rescue! Rizzo, the main character of our interactive coloring book, takes kids through emotions they may be feeling and some strategies to deal with their worries. Kids can read the pages, color them at their leisure and refer back to them when feeling uncertain.
Download/Print in English click here
Download/Print in Spanish click here

Bright Stars
535 Centerville Road, Suite 301, Warwick, RI 02886
Quality rating and improvement system. Assists families in finding quality child care in RI
Child & Family RI
Programs and services for children, teens, adults and families, and seniors in Newport county and throughout the state.
Children's Friend
Child and adult care food program, child care, early intervention, summer learning and enrichment programs (401.721.9209), helping families with basic needs and more.
Codac, Inc.
7 locations throughout RI.
For more than 45 years, CODAC has worked with individuals, families and communities in RI. We provide comprehensive outpatient and community-based resources to those living and struggling with the challenges of substance use disorder and behavioral healthcare issues. As a result, CODAC designed programs to promote and support recovery. We also help participants acquire the skills necessary to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.
Community Action Programs (CAP)
Rhode Island Community Action Association is a network of community action agencies (CAPs) serving all 39 cities and towns in Rhode Island. Our member agencies have various missions and goals to end poverty, by continuously aiming to provide resources, support, services and programs to Rhode Island residents in need.
Community Care Alliance
Emergency: 401-235-7120
We support people to address problems during difficult times and give the step up they are seeking. Looking for help? We offer more than 50 services and programs for people challenged by mental health and addiction problems, basic needs, trauma, housing, education and employment. We can help...for more information, click here.
Community Food Bank
200 Niantic Avenue, Providence, RI 02907
We’re here to ensure that no one in Rhode Island goes hungry.
The Rhode Island Community Food Bank distributes food to people in need through a statewide network of 168 member agencies. These agencies include food pantries, meal sites, shelters, youth programs and senior centers.
Comprehensive Community Action
Locations in Cranston, Warwick, W. Warwick, Coventry, Providence, and Pawtucket.
Comprehensive medical services, food and nutrition (WIC), behavioral health, social work, RI Donation Exchange, rental and energy assistance, food bank, Job training, and paid internships. COVID-19 testing site - by appointment only.
Crossroads RI
160 Broad St., Providence.
Provides help with housing, education and employment services, domestic violence programs, emergency shelters. Also home to the Providence Community Health Center, offering quality health and dental care (see their separate listing and info.)
Family Service of RI
401-519-2283 for COVID-19 related questions
Be Safe campaign - provides kits including antibacterial soap, disinfecting wipes, alcohol-based hand sanitizers, food and grocery supplies and other items that socially isolated seniors, adults with chronic illnesses and disabilities, families with children, and others desperately need right now to protect themselves and reduce the rate of COVID-19 transmission. FSRI is doing curbside delivery of these kits across the state.
Be Safe https://www.familyserviceri.org/besafe
Be Safe Plus (flyer below)
Be Well RI Live (videos on Facebook and You Tube)
FEMA Crisis Counseling
Jewish Collaborative Services
1165 North Main Street, Providence
Senior and Family Support Services including basic needs and financial assistance due to COVID-19 (call Kathy at 401-340-6853, or Pauline at 401-354-9357) and helpful webinars addressing COVID-19 issues:
Meals on Wheels
70 Bath St., Providence, RI 02908
Remains dedicated to carrying out our mission of delivering complete and nutritious meals along with vital safety checks to homebound Rhode Islanders across the state.
Parent Support Network
535 Centerville Road, Suite 202, Warwick, RI 02886
We work with parents and family caregivers who have children and youth at risk or who have serious emotional, behavioral and mental health needs. We are the Rhode Island Chapter of Prevent Child Abuse America and the National Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health. We are statewide family network funded by the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
- Parent Support Groups Meetings - video or telephone
Telephone: 1-571-317-3112 passcode: 362-370-141
Tuesdays, 4-5pm, Building strong families during challenging times when caring for children at risk or with social, emotional and mental health challenges
Topics of discussion & Guest Speakers
Promote health and well-being
Developing coping strategies
In home behavioral approaches
Accessing services and resources
Providence Community Health Center
Offerering quality health, dental, vision, behavioral health, and other specialized services. Also offers drive-up and walk-up Covid-19 testing for PCHC patients (Note: A referral from your primary care provider and an appointment is required for all testing.) Many locations throughout the Providence area.
RI Child Opportunity Zones (COZ)
Rhode Island’s Child Opportunity Zones (COZs) are a full service community school model of school-linked family centers that bring schools, families and communities together to promote success in school for all children and youth. Click on the link above to find your local Community School and services/resources they provide. Locations throughout RI.
RI Free Clinic
655 Broad Street, Providence
The clinic provides free, comprehensive medical care and preventive health services to adults who have no health insurance. The Clinic also provides the most efficient and cost effective alternative to emergency rooms for uninsured residents seeking comprehensive health care.
In response to the State’s need for an easily accessible testing site available to our community, Rhode Island Free Clinic has a COVID-19 Testing Site for walk-up and drive-through testing by appointment only. The tests are only available for uninsured adult patients with no current primary care doctor. Testing will occur Monday-Thursday, 1pm to 4pm and Saturdays, 10am to 2pm at 647 Broad St., parking lot next to RI Free Clinic. Adult patients with symptom(s) should call 401-92-COVID (401-922-6843) for an appointment.​
RI Food Bank
200 Niantic Ave, Providence, RI 02907
Their mission is alleviating hunger in RI through school, educational, and community based programs.
RI For Community and Justice
271 N Main St, Providence, RI 02903
Rhode Island for Community & Justice (RICJ) is a social justice nonprofit dedicated to fighting bias, bigotry, and racism and promoting understanding and respect among all races, religions, and cultures through advocacy, conflict resolution, and education. It is our purpose to transform communities to be more inclusive and just by empowering people to lead institutional change. We are the voice that calls people to common ground, with respect for differences but with the understanding that people of all backgrounds have common values and needs that unite them.
RI Housing
RIHousing’s HelpCenter is available to assist Rhode Island homeowners concerned about their ability to make their mortgage payments. The HelpCenter is a HUD-approved counseling agency that provides free foreclosure prevention counseling services to all Rhode Island homeowners. Click here for more information or reach out to: 401-457-1130.
Rhode Island Parent Information Network
RIPIN’s vision is that individuals, parents, and families will advocate for themselves, ensuring that their needs for health, educational, and socio-economic supports are accessible. We envision systems that produce better outcomes for the individual, family, child, and community across Rhode Island.
United Way
50 Valley Street, Providence, RI
*Coming Together in Times of Crisis.
Fires, floods, and recessions – over the past 94 years, United Way of Rhode Island has helped communities across the state through some very difficult times. When an emergency hits, we roll up our sleeves and partner with businesses, donors and volunteers, state agencies, and nonprofits to meet the most urgent needs of our state's families and communities.
*211: Answering the Call.
Our 211 call specialists are assisting the Rhode Island Department of Health with call center support. In just the first week of the crisis, we spoke with more than 3,000 Rhode Islanders, and that number continues to grow every day. We're helping families find meals, offering information on temporary unemployment benefits, and more.
*The POINT is a statewide resource network that provides information, referrals, and long-term care options to seniors, adults with disabilities, and their caregivers.